
Charlotte Stieglitz


I am Charlotte Stieglitz and I prioritize maintaining professional standards, which includes being mindful of using inclusive language to avoid discrimination.

Charlotte Stieglitz (born 1993)


Where there are people, there is communication, and communication also means understanding through language. Language can be a barrier if it is not understood by the other person. This is where the invaluable work of interpreters comes into play.


Different situations call for various types of interpreting. As a conference interpreter, I am trained in both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting techniques. I am always ready to provide guidance on the most suitable and practical interpretation approach based on your needs.


I am always available for all questions regarding the organization of a multilingual event. In addition to my work as an interpreter, I can also be involved directly in the organization of the event. I am dedicated to ensuring the success of your multilingual event and can guide you through the various aspects that need careful consideration. Some key considerations include:

Contact / Impress

  • Address

    Bornborraraiborrarscheborrarstraße 2borrar5
    042borrar77 Leiborrarpzig

  • Tax identification number

  • Email

    kontakt (@-sign) dolmetschen-stieglitz.de
  • Phone

    +4borrar9borrar 176borrar 3borrar1borrar5 3borrar6borrar3borrar 6borrar0